Privacy Commitment at Golden Bull:

Ensuring Trust in CRM User App

Embark on a journey of financial empowerment with Golden Bull, where your privacy and data security are our unwavering priorities. Our Privacy Policy serves as a guiding light, illustrating how we handle, safeguard, and respect your personal data within the Golden Bull CRM User App. By choosing to engage with our platform, you implicitly agree to the terms outlined in this comprehensive Privacy Policy.

Data Harmony

Golden Bull CRM User App

Discover the orchestration of information that empowers your financial journey:

  • Personal Information: Essential details like your name, email, and contact information, collected during App registration or Service usage.
  • Financial Insights: Comprehensive data encompassing Wallet Balances, Deposits, Withdrawals, Credit, Equity, Live Accounts, Trade Positions, and details within the Network Tree.
  • Usage Insights: Delve into the world of Service usage, exploring device IP addresses, browser types, visited pages, and timestamps.
  • Referral Network Data: Details surrounding My Partners, IB Requests, Network Accounts, Transfers, Partner Links, and associated Commissions.

Data Choreography

Golden Bull CRM User App

Witness how we utilize this data to create a seamless and personalized experience:

  • Service Provision: Ensuring the functionality of the App, providing financial insights, managing networks, and facilitating efficient customer support.
  • Customizing Experience: Personalizing user profiles, preferences, and network-related activities for a tailored and user-centric journey.
  • Communication: Sending updates, notifications, and support-related messages based on user interactions, ensuring you're always informed and engaged.
  • Improvement and Analysis: Analyzing usage trends to enhance Service functionality, performance, and overall user experiences.
  • Protection Measures: Safeguarding your data with stringent security measures, preventing unauthorized access, alteration, or disclosure.

Data Empowerment

We never sell, trade, or lease personal data without consent. However, data may be shared with trusted service providers and disclosed if legally required, always prioritizing user privacy.

Data Vigilance

Stringent security measures stand guard, protecting your data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. Regular security assessments ensure the ongoing safety of your data.

Data Autonomy

Empower yourself by accessing, updating, or deleting personal data effortlessly via App settings. Opt-out of specific communications or functionalities within the App, putting you in control of your information.

Child Privacy

Our App and Services are not designed for individuals under 18. We do not knowingly collect personal data from children. Notify us if you believe we have unintentionally collected child-related information for prompt removal.

Policy Evolution

We retain the right to update or modify this Policy and will notify you through our website or other communication channels.

Connect With Us

For any Privacy Policy queries, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. Trust Golden Bull for a secure and transparent financial experience, where your privacy is our priority.